Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wet Dream...

This is Crazy!!!!....One night of wet dream I can handle it...but twice...TWICE!!!!.... Sheesh what is going on with me. Last two days in a row I have been having the same dream. TSUNAMI DREAM. It was scary as hell. What really bugs me the most is that it involves me and my lovable family. It have been driving me nuts all 2 days. I told my sis bout it, she say maybe i missed home so much or maybe I've been thinking bout home lately.

Usually my mom would say it is a good thing because it revolves around water elements which in dream interpretation symbolized wealth, good fortune etc. But it ain't fun at all (in the dream) where i have to run for my life and worried sick bout what will happened to us all. It was utterly chilling experience. I just try keep myself calm with a few sacred surah from Al-Quran to calm me down. I somehow just felt really at peace. I gave my future in the hands of the All Mighty Allah. I will "redha" in any obstacle that i will be facing in the future. It is the best way for me rather than be scared or feel distressed bout this dreams.

Morale of the story here is that....Before we sleep bare in mind to wash your feet (my mom old time remedy) and take the Wudhuk for muslim... The Syaitan aka Devils would find so many ways to try to part ways our devotion to Allah The All Mighty. Amin.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Idea of The Perfect Life

Last two days, my sis & I went to the movies since it has been like 3 months long dried out of foreign movie influence in my head lol. So we decided to see Sex & The City 2 (well i have to know what happened to Carrie & Mr.Big don't I :D) I have been waited for this one since the first movie came out :D Just can't get enough of her. After being a fan since the first episode in her long journey of TV seasons, this will be a nice treat to see the girls again.

In the movie, one scene attracted me the most. It's where a lovely couple that bump into Carrie & Mr.Big at Carrie's best gay friend wedding- Stanford Blatch. They claim that they have the exact life as Carrie & Mr.Big(since she's a freelance writer and everybody knew her famous column), but when it came to babies intervention both are shock to know that Carrie & Mr.Big have no plans to have "babies topic" in their marriage. Just like Mr.Big said it's like telling kids that Santa's not exist, kind of face expression :D

Is that how we defined perfect life? Study-have degree-work you ass-get married-have lots of kids-(get divorce-if laa)-get old-then die?What if we don't get married? or no kids? Does our life not perfect? What about happiness? Doesn't it count? What i have learn from the movie is that our life maybe slightly different from others. Slightly complicated and not so fairy tale like. But hey it is our life. We decided what we want and how we going to run it. Yes, I do agree that living with society will somehow effect how we think and do things but bare in mind that we are the one who going to get all the consequences for everything that we done.

Morale of the story? Don't judge people for not following the traditional way of life. Who are we to judge whether they are happy or not? Who are we to set a standard on a perfect life? Maybe they are not married but at least they don't have to face the ugly divorce scene. Maybe they have no kids but at least they don't "buang bayi tepi sampah". What I'm trying to say is... Just love your life no matter what other people think :D Just remember that EVERY DARK CLOUD HAVE A SILVER LINING.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Beginning...

Life sometimes have it's own way to trick you to do things that you never imagine you could ever done. That is the positive of it. You never know what hit you. Everyday is a challenge. Everyday is a new day. Maybe you have done wrong at the past but it is the past. What define you are not based on what have you done in the past but what can you do in the present to change the future. I'm blessed with a ever so wonderful family, great supporting friends and among all (so far) an unregrettable life I have been through. This blog will surround my daily not so perfect life with lots of whining, happy stories, gossips etc that revolves my life. This is my first step to the unknown lol.... Here goes nothing!!!!